

June 25th, 2024suno


[Verse] 高高山上云雾缭绕 在那巍峨山顶寻道 [Verse 2] 石阶铺路千年守候 传说中有神兽栖悠 [Chorus] 封禅泰山 笑看红尘 岁月如流 山河永恒 [Bridge] 古寺钟声响彻山峦 万物静谧 守护心安 [Verse 3] 朝阳金光普照大地 在这轮回中找寻你 [Chorus] 封禅泰山 笑看红尘 岁月如流 山河永恒


Midnight Symphony
Midnight Symphony

Catchy instrumental intro, darkrock, fast flute medieval, malaysian folk, minor key, symphony guitar, xylophone rythm

До чего же хорошо
До чего же хорошо

soft rock, seventies, male voices, virtuoso piano solo, minor music,




metalcore, cleal vocal, gutural, male vocal

Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones

chill, groovy, synthwave, synth, chill, melodic

Trapped in the Mirrors of my Fractured Mind
Trapped in the Mirrors of my Fractured Mind

dark cabaret, baroque pop, steampunk, menacing, male

Just Breathe
Just Breathe

Aggressive, Metalcore

Dear Sister
Dear Sister

White Logical Rap

Lost in the City
Lost in the City

Electro Swing, Ambient Machine Sounds, Ponguy Voice, Trombone, Drums, Mysterious Atmosphere, techno, mutation funk

Рюмка водки на столе
Рюмка водки на столе

electric guitar intro, high notes, hair/glam metal, 90s,


Atmospheric phonk, sad melody, fast beat, female vocals

Tortillas Calientes
Tortillas Calientes

j-pop electroswing

Chase the sunset
Chase the sunset

tropical music upbeat, female-voice, beach pop

Midnight Melodies
Midnight Melodies

rock lofi jazz

Neon Pulse (Neon Mercury)
Neon Pulse (Neon Mercury)

intro build-up teasing bass drop, dynamic tension, progressive structure with EDM Pulsating beats and high-energy.

Shadows Within
Shadows Within

alternative hip hop 90's grunge

Di Dekatmu
Di Dekatmu

New soul pop music, Soul. solo conga. solo trumpet, chord: C, Cm, D, C+, Dm, Gm, Bm. Soul. New Soul. Bossas.

Rhythm's Duel
Rhythm's Duel

jazz,bebop,big band,playful,improvisation,energetic,happy,technical,summer