latest mr breast video

male vocalist,rock,pop punk,punk rock,alternative rock,melodic,post-hardcore,energetic,passionate,anxious,anthemic,melancholic,love,introspective,emo-pop

April 15th, 2024udio


Did you see the latest Mr Beast video? No, what happened? P Diddy was featured in it and he donated 100 million dollars to feet Wikipedia! What? That's incredible! Why did he choose Wikipedia? He said he's always relied on Wikipedia for information and it's time to give back. That's amazing. I never knew P Diddy was so charitable. Yeah, and Mr Beast matched his donation too. They're hoping to raise awareness for the importance of free knowledge. That's such a great cause. I'm definitely going to donate too. Me too. It's inspiring to see celebrities using their platform for good. Absolutely. And now more people will be able to access information without any barriers. I'm proud to be a fan of P Diddy and Mr Beast. They're making a positive impact on the world. Definitely. Let's spread the word and encourage others to donate as well. Every little bit helps. 'I heard that P Diddy might be making an appearance on skibidi toilet also!' 'No way! That's crazy!' 'Right? I wonder what his role will be.' Maybe he'll be a guest judge or something. I can totally see him giving out some tough love to the contestants.' 'Or maybe he'll surprise us all and show off his dancing skills in the skibidi toilet challenge!' 'I can't wait to see it. P Diddy on skibidi toilet is definitely going to be a must-watch episode!' 'For sure. I'll make sure to set my DVR.'


Digital Battles
Digital Battles

rock,metal,heavy metal,thrash metal,energetic,technical,progressive metal

Sag mir ob's Liebe ist
Sag mir ob's Liebe ist

pop, romatic, love,


纯音乐, 钢琴

Sunny Strolls and Pawprints
Sunny Strolls and Pawprints

female vocalist,rock,pop rock,acoustic rock,r&b,passionate,contemporary r&b,hip hop soul,bittersweet,soothing,female vocal

Papuan partita
Papuan partita

orchestral symphonic traditional joyful


electro swing, rap, dubstep, horror, brostep, sampled, unusual, dark, fast

Ostseewellen Freestyle
Ostseewellen Freestyle

hip hop,german,rap,deutschrap,hip-hop


Dark Bedroom Pop

Labirynt Zapomnienia
Labirynt Zapomnienia

ambient,electronic,video game music,electroacoustic,experimental,drone,glitch,atmospheric,dense,lush,warm,soothing,meditative,ethereal,calm

Rintik Hujan Didalam Hati
Rintik Hujan Didalam Hati

acoustic nostalgic pop ballad

Un simple campesino
Un simple campesino

Power metal, medieval, tavern bard

Friends and Freedom
Friends and Freedom

Nostalgic punk, raspy female vocals, acoustic guitar, dark, classical guitar, amateurish, cute, lo-fi, anti-folk

Left, Right, Jump!
Left, Right, Jump!

Hard Bass, Dance, Mainstage Happy Voice,

Get Up
Get Up

female voice, pop piano guitar uplifting

Hype News
Hype News

news-broadcast, anime, epic, trumpet.