
war,warfare,fire,riot girl,The throb of soul,ethereal singing angry girl,The combat band of sorrow,pathos piano

May 22nd, 2024suno


(Intro) [intro drum solo] [intro Suona Xiao solo] [intro bass guitar slap solo] [intro electronic organ solo] 在战火纷飞的夜晚, 星光失去了律动, 那些年轻的心灵, 被硝烟吞噬成烟尘。 (Verse A)[intro bass guitar slap solo] [intro electronic organ solo] 悼念的歌声在风中响起, 遥远的呼喊,未曾被察觉。 沉默的树林,荒芜的原野, 埋葬了多少未完成的梦呢? (Verse B)[intro bass guitar slap solo] [intro electronic organ solo] 战马奔腾,血染沙场, 追求的是何等虚幻的荣光。 手中的利剑,刺破了苍穹, 却无法抹去内心的伤痛。 (Interlude) [Interlude drum solo] [Interlude Suona Xiao solo] [Interlude bass guitar slap solo] [Interlude electronic organ solo] (Verse C)[intro bass guitar slap solo] [intro electronic organ solo] 我愿将沉重的铠甲褪去, 挥舞着和平的旗帜在风中飘舞。 愿星光在黑夜中闪耀, 指引迷失的灵魂归途。 (Verse D)[intro bass guitar slap solo] [intro electronic organ solo] 悲伤的琴弦在黑夜响起, 流淌的不仅仅是眼泪的咸味。 在岁月的长河中徘徊, 寻找着那份永恒的自由。 (Chorus)[intro bass guitar slap solo] [intro electronic organ solo] 在岁月长河中,我们共同哀婉, 为失去的美好岁月,心中低吟。 愿曾经的伤痛与辛酸, 在未来的某个黎明, 希望那伤痛的印记被时间抚平。 (Ending)[intro bass guitar slap solo] [intro electronic organ solo] 当夜幕降临,星光如泪洒落, 战争硝烟弥漫,心头愁思悠长。 在梦的彼岸,我们抬头仰望, 唤醒理性,何时平息战伤的挽歌? (Ending) [Ending drum solo] [Ending bass guitar slap solo] [Ending electronic organ solo] (Ending)[intro bass guitar slap solo] [intro electronic organ solo] 当夜幕降临,星光如泪洒落, 战争硝烟弥漫,心头愁思悠长。 在梦的彼岸,我们抬头仰望, 唤醒理性,何时平息战伤的挽歌? (Ending) [Ending drum solo] [Ending bass guitar slap solo] [Ending electronic organ solo]


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guitar, drum, rock, hard rock, metal.pop.jaz

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electro harp, nu progressive unusual aggressive breakbeat, Reese Bass, acid bass, BPM 160

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rap aggressive

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A falsetto as high as a whisper, Female voice, dreamy, strong bass, rhythmical drums, experimental edm pop, slow

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electronic rap

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melodic house and techno, with elements of ambient, electronica, and classical music.

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hyperpop, English baroque, complex melody, breakcore, scratching, goofy sounds, catchy bass line. metre signature 3/4

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witch house, accordion, 60BPM, intense, cinematic

В склепе ста́ром
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anime, J-Rock, Drums, japanese, violin, guitar, drum

Rebellious soul
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indie rock, psychedelic electric rock, guitar, male voice, rock, blues

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pop cheerful

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acid rock city pop,70's

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Winter's Rest
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fantasy, folk, tavern, minstrel


sad, dark