Verse 1:
We stand firm in the Spirit, our hearts are filled with light,
In unity, we strive, for the Gospel's guiding sight.
Though challenges arise, we hold onto His grace,
Our faith is unwavering, in His presence we'll find our place.
Oh, whatever happens, let our actions be true,
A reflection of the Gospel, our conduct, pure and new.
For Christ has called us, to walk in His way,
Striving together, to let our faith have a say.
Verse 2:
Selfish ambition, vanity, and pride,
Have no place in our hearts, as we abide by Christ's side.
Humble servants, we all are made,
Following the footsteps, of Jesus Christ, our aid.
Let's be like-minded, in love, we are assured
One in spirit, let's resonate His word.
Deny ourselves, and serve others in need,
All for the glory, of our Savior, indeed.
Verse 3:
Have the mindset of Christ, the perfect role model without hesitation
Our guide and leader exemplify true dedication.
He made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, lowly and meek,
His obedience brought salvation to all, who seek
Embrace humility, as we follow our King,
The name of Jesus, to all corners, we'll bring.
Loving our neighbors, as ourselves, we're called,
Striving for His kingdom, a mission for all.
Let's work out our salvation, with fear and trembling too,
For God's work is within us, His purpose, we'll pursue.
Without grumbling, let's seize the day,
Shining like stars, guiding lost souls on their way.
Verse 4:
Rejoice in the Lord, as we walk along,
Let your gentleness, reflect His eternal song.
Pray continuously, let thankfulness abound,
And the peace of God will hold you tightly, clinch and round.
Take hold of what Christ has for you,
Pressing on, to the goal He set true.
Transformed by grace, through His perfect love,
Into His likeness, we'll be eternally clothed, by His favor above.