Alone amidst the ancient oaks, I articulate my anguished soul's appeal,
Beneath the boughs, a breathless whisper, a bard's bereft and broken keel.
Cascading cries of crickets chorus, crafting night's clandestine crepe,
Dewdrops dangle, delicate dancers, draping dreamscape's dusky drape.
E'er the echoes of existence, etch eternal, eerie strains,
Fleeting fancies of forgotten forebears, flitting through the fertile plains.
Ghosts of glee, now gone and grounded, grappling with the growing gloom,
Hushed in heartache, heavily hounded, harboring a haunting doom.
In isolation's intricate instance, I invoke the indigo ink,
Jesting jingles jumbled, jarring, juxtaposed 'gainst joy's jinx.
Kindred kinfolk, kept at kilter, kindling kismet's knotted knack,
Lingering lullabies lost in limbo, laced with longing, looped in lack.
Mirthful moments, masked and muffled, mingle with the moon's mild mien,
Nestled neath the nigh, the nexus, nature's nectar, never seen.
Oft I opine in opal oceans, overwrought with orphic ore,
Pining, pondering, pale and pensive, past the precipice of yore.
Quaintly quivering, quiet queries quell the quaking, quaint quasar,
Resting 'round the realm's requiem, a riddle wrapped in a rhapsody bizarre.
Solitude's sweet, s
Mirthful moments, masked and muffled, mingle with the moon's mild mien,
Nestled neath the nigh, the nexus, nature's nectar, never seen.
Oft I opine in opal oceans, overwrought with orphic ore,
Pining, pondering, pale and pensive, past the precipice of yore.
Quaintly quivering, quiet queries quell the quaking, quaint quasar,
Resting 'round the realm's requiem, a riddle wrapped in a rhapsody bizarre.
Solitude's sweet, sullen symphony, a serenade to the silent sphere,
Tracing time's translucent tapestry, tender, tearful, yet sincere.
Underneath the universe's umbrage, unearthing utterances unspoken,
Vivid visions of vanished valor, veiled in vapors, vices woken.
Whimsy weaves within the welkin, wistful, waning, wishful wights,
'Xploring xenial xanadu, xerothermic, xanthic lights.
Yielding yesteryears' yonder yearnings, yoked to youth's yare yield,
Zephyrs zing in zestful zenith, 'zat the end of the zealot's zeal.
Underneath the universe's umbrage, unearthing utterances unspoken,
Vivid visions of vanished valor, veiled in vapors, vices woken.
Whimsy weaves within the welkin, wistful, waning, wishful wights,
'Xploring xenial xanadu, xerothermic, xanthic lights.
Yielding yesteryears' yonder yearnings, yoked to youth's yare yield,
Zephyrs zing in zestful zenith, 'zat the end of the zealot's zeal.