

June 27th, 2024suno


[Verse] 观自在菩萨 行深般若波罗蜜多时照见五蕴皆空 度一切苦厄 [Chorus] 舍利子 色不异空 空不异色 色即是空 空即是色 受想行识 亦复如是。 舍利子 是诸法空相 不生不灭 不垢不净 不增不减 是故空中无色 无受想行识 无眼耳鼻舌身意 无色声香味触法 无眼界 乃至无意识界 无无明 亦无无明尽 乃至无老死 亦无老死尽 无苦集灭道 无智亦无得 以无所得故 [Verse] 菩提萨埵 依般若波罗蜜多故 心无挂碍 无挂碍故 无有恐怖 远离颠倒梦想 究竟涅槃 三世诸佛 依般若波罗蜜多故 得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提 故知般若波罗蜜多 是大神咒 是大明咒 是无上咒 是无等等咒 能除一切苦 真实不虚 [Chorus] 故说般若波罗蜜多咒 即说咒曰 揭谛揭谛 波罗揭谛 波罗僧揭谛 菩提萨婆诃


Thai AI Takedown
Thai AI Takedown

old school hip-hop beats with funky synth vibes, blues bass riff, sparse synth soundscape, relaxed beat

Storming Shores
Storming Shores

drum and bass, synthpop, violins, heavy horns

Whispers Unhealed
Whispers Unhealed

female vocalist,alternative rock,rock,dream pop,ethereal,atmospheric,hypnotic,nocturnal,mysterious,ethereal wave,female vocal

Dolce far niente
Dolce far niente

opera,Aria,tenor,Canzone napoletana


Pop, j-pop

Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday

birthday, happy birthday, happy, party, crowd, live, energetic, upbeat

Panstarrs ride
Panstarrs ride

experimental indie rock hip-hop 70's funk

Look Ma, I'm Trending!
Look Ma, I'm Trending!

brazilian phonk deep 808s eerie melodies samba rhythms heavy distorted bass

Слово про Ігорів похід
Слово про Ігорів похід

doom neo-folk metal synthwave

Infinite Wonder
Infinite Wonder

experimental house

Endless Cycle
Endless Cycle

buddhist, gregorian chant, slow, metal

Wandering Shadows
Wandering Shadows

alternative dubstep epic adventure atmospheric melancholic edm vibe long

Warriors of the kings
Warriors of the kings

Futuristic alternative rock, nu metal, dark electronic rock, ear candy, future

Fire in the Fight
Fire in the Fight

male vocalist,rock,hard rock,blues rock,energetic,passionate,rhythmic,soul,folk rock


cute song,anime,cute voice,happy,lucky,so fun,pop,fresh


uplifting j-pop gentle

School of Evangelism Intro
School of Evangelism Intro

solemn spoken word inspirational

Bass Bumpin' Bash
Bass Bumpin' Bash

high-energy pop dance

Не нужен
Не нужен

Guitar Rock Powerfully drums and acoustic guitar