
Traditional Chinese, Male Voice, 90 BPM, C Major, Guzheng

April 17th, 2024suno


[Peaceful Intro] [Guqin solo] [Verse 1] [Guqin & Erhu] 桃花渡口轻舟悠悠,水波不兴风自由 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州 柳絮飘飘扬眉舞,青石小路步未休 笑看桃花满地头,犹记青梅竹马游 [Bridge] [Dizi solo] 竹篱茅屋酒一壶,斜阳独酌思无穷 归雁入寥廓,青山空蒙 [Chorus 1] [Guqin, Erhu & Dizi] 桃花笑春风,留下谁的笑容 一页离愁别苦忧,黄昏独倚新竹楼 [Break] [Silent pause, ambient sounds of nature] [Verse 2] [Guqin & Xiao] 篱下黄犬静卧春光旧,旧事重提心头柔 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多 曲径通幽处,禅房花木深 夜来幽梦忽还乡,又听庭前流水声 [Pre-Chorus] [Dizi solo] 月白风清,云淡天高 青竹翠绿,老枝新条 [Chorus 2] [Guqin, Erhu & Dizi] 桃花笑春风,归路何方可通 过往皆为序章,芳心独醉东风 [Hook] [Guqin & Erhu intensifies] 难忘那江南烟雨中,傲骨铭心总难逢 岁月静好现尘世,繁华落尽归故乡 [Fade Out] [Guqin and Dizi fading slowly] [Outro] [Soft Guzheng plucking] 渔舟唱晚,钟情桃花开 一帘幽梦,水畔桥边会 [Hook] [Guqin & Erhu intensifies] 难忘那江南烟雨中,傲骨铭心总难逢 岁月静好现尘世,繁华落尽归故乡 [Fade Out] [Guqin and Dizi fading slowly] [Outro] [Soft Guzheng plucking] 渔舟唱晚,钟情桃花开 一帘幽梦,水畔桥边会


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