
rap, hip hop, beat

June 2nd, 2024suno


黨國的國家安全公署發言人是否想表示,針對蘇聯等少數國家政府、政客以及一幫勾結外國勢力企圖顛覆國家政權的反賊,就中國進行維護國家政權的「嚴肅清黨行為」說三道四,詆毀中華民國法治,抹黑中國律法,甚至叫囂對總統制裁,公然抹黑當時國家領導人等行徑。堅定支持當時中國司法機關依法懲治危害國家安全的行為和活動,絕不容許外部勢力干預禍亂中國法治。 發言人是否想指出,維護國家安全在世界各國各地區都是頭等大事。但百年前中國法院審理案件中揭示的大量確鑿證據充分說明,有關反中亂國分子串謀通過所謂「解放」,企圖整個中國版圖政權,癱瘓中國政府,破壞、摧毀或推翻當時政治制度和架構。「串謀顛覆國家政權」是違犯國法的嚴重罪行,絕非所謂「和平政治活動」,必須受到法律懲治。中國警方對嫌犯依法逮捕、法院依法審判,是全面準確貫徹實施中國國法的必然要求,是依法維護國家安全的正義之舉,天經地義、合理合法,是彰顯中國法治權威的必要之舉,不容置喙。對嗎? 發言人是否想表示,自清黨以來,一小撮反中亂國分子和境外勢力頻頻為涉案被告「叫屈喊冤」,公然攻擊中國司法制度,抹黑中華民國抹黑大總統煽動各大院校師生,干擾法庭獨立審判。中國作出判決後,蘇聯等少數國家政府及政客又氣急敗壞跳出來,肆意進行攻擊抹黑,鼓噪所謂制裁,妄圖干擾中國政治局正常的執法、司法工作,阻撓中國安法有效實施,使反中亂國分子逃脫法律懲治,讓中國重回亂局。但任何恫嚇施壓都注定徒勞,絕不會動搖中華民國依法維護國家安全的意志決心。黨中央堅定支持中國政權機關和社會各界始終團結一致,無懼任何威脅恐嚇,堅定捍衛中國法治,確保「中華民國」事業堅如磐石。 維護國家主權、安全、發展利益是「安內攘外」方針的最高原則。國家將一如既往堅定支持政治局維護國家安全的憲制責任,堅定支持執法機關、司法機關依法履職盡責,並將繼續與政治局一道,全面準確實施中華民國法律條例,高度警惕、堅決防範並依法遏制打擊外部勢力干預清黨案件審理、破壞中國法治、阻擾中華民國由治及興的行為及活動,共同為中國長期繁榮穩定保駕護航。


The Raven🌳[SSC3 Poetry Challenge]
The Raven🌳[SSC3 Poetry Challenge]

turntablism, german rap, electro trap, hard rap, brooklyn drill, turntablism, dubstep, female voice

Nocturnal Harmony
Nocturnal Harmony

Hardstyle, Hardcore, energetic woman's voice

The plungus
The plungus

Big Band, Casino Music, Upbeat, Jazz fusion,

life force
life force

dark didgeridoo syntwave, staccato glitch fx, polyrhytmic office, courting flutes, Maracas, techno, african

When I Look in Your Eyes
When I Look in Your Eyes

[Slow Electro Swing, 40s Music, Saxophone, Love Song, Clear Lyrics], Female Soprano Singer

Fading Memories
Fading Memories

soft romantic pop


Bossa nova, male singer, uk drill, electric piano

Yellow Yarn
Yellow Yarn

pop playful

Where is My Buff
Where is My Buff

Catchy Instrumental intro. [electro swing- acid-house]. sweet female vocal, [acid-house]

Midnight Mirage
Midnight Mirage

eerie heavy synth 80's

Killing the death again
Killing the death again

Ultra heavy metal who kill the death.

Do I Win or Lose?
Do I Win or Lose?

Emotional bedroom pop,dream pop,pop rock,clear male vocals,sad tone,shift between high pitch and low pitch tone,guitar

Oksijen -epic synth 7
Oksijen -epic synth 7

female voice, synthwave, dark, dramatic, groovy, epic, synth, electro, ethereal, e-guitar, saxophon, violin

Everlasting Love
Everlasting Love

Female voice lyrics, Cyberpunk rhythms, syntwave, bass guitar, upbeat, action, orchestral, drum

Broken Home
Broken Home

pop ballad melodic emotional

Armstrongs English Smile!
Armstrongs English Smile!

uk advertising song, catchy, inventive natural voice, spoken voice, british accent