[Verse 1]
Come all you brave young shanty-boys,
Wherever you may be;
I’d have you pay attention
And listen unto me.
‘Twas of a true, young shanty-boy,
Who, manfully and brave,
Did break the jam on Garry’s Rock
And met with a watery grave.
[Verse 2]
‘Twas on a Sunday morning,
As you will quickly hear;
Our logs were piled to mountain heights
And we could not keep them clear.
“Turn out, young boys” our foreman cried,
In a voice so void of fear;
“We must break the jam on Garry’s Rock;
To Egan Town we’ll steer.”
[Verse 3]
Some of them were willing,
But others did hang back;
To work upon a Sunday
They did not think was right.
Then six of our brave Canadian boys
Did volunteer to go
And break the jam on Garry’s Rock
With their foreman, young Monroe.
[Verse 4]
They had not rolled down many logs,
When the boss to them did say;
“I’d have you be on your guard, my boys,
This jam will soon give way!”
He scarce had time to speak the words,
When the jam did break and go,
And carried away those six brave youths
And their foreman, young Monroe!
[Verse 5]
When the rest of them did hear of this;
Of their sad grief and woe,
In search of their dead bodies
To the river they did go,
Four of their companions,
Whom all did know so well,
Lay bruised and mangled on the bank
And the head of young Monroe.
[Verse 6]
They took it from the water,
Smoothed out the raven hair.
There was one fair form among them
Whose cries did rend the air.
There was one loved form among them,
A maid from Saginaw town,
Whose moans and cries did rend the skies
For lover that was drowned.
[Verse 7]
Miss Clara was a noble girl;
Likewise her raftsmen’s friend.
Her mother was a widow,
Lived by the river’s bend.
To her, the shanty-boys, next week,
Took a purse, well filled with gold,
In memory of their friendship for
Miss Clara and young Monroe.
[Verse 8]
If any of you should pass that way,
And wish to stop and see,
You’ll find a mound on the river bank
Close by a hemlock tree.
The shanty-boys cut the brush away.
Two lovers there lie low;
There lies Miss Clara Hanson
And her sweetheart, young Monroe.
[outro in a shanty-boy style]