
Melodic radio new school east coast hip hop rap, winter vibes

May 3rd, 2024suno


[前奏]如是我闻 一时佛在菩提树下 悟此经典心无挂碍 释迦牟尼奥义流转 千古传音 [诗歌1]色不异空 空不异色色即是空 空即是色受想行识 亦复如是慧剑斩破 万缘俱寂[副歌]无苦集灭道 般若波罗蜜触及真实义 顿悟生命意生灭幻化中 一念不生金刚经咒语 智破无明 [诗歌2]反观自心 心外无物一切唯心 造作天地无我无人 无众生佛心中法宝 自性显露 [副歌]无眼耳鼻舌 身意六尘界不着一切相 解脱生死海无知亦无尽 直至涅槃门心光照不二 如来藏 [桥段]一花一世界 一叶一如来一笑一尘缘 一念一清净心如莲花开 本自清净水妙法莲华 生于泥不染 [副歌]灭度一切苦 般若的智慧五蕴皆空 显本来面目照见本心光 破除无明夜菩提本无树 明镜亦非台 [尾奏]相由心生 心由境转不染不净 尽恢恢然行深般若波罗蜜多 故心无挂碍无挂碍故 无有恐怖远离颠倒梦想 究竟涅槃 [Verse] 相由心生 心由境转不染不净 尽恢恢然行深般若波罗蜜多 故心无挂碍无挂碍故 无有恐怖远离颠倒梦想 [Verse 2] 执着过去的悲伤 藏着伤口的残痕 追逐虚幻的幸福 迷失在迷雾中 现实的世界就在眼前 看清那光明的源泉 放下束缚 解放灵魂 打开心房遨游天边 [Chorus] 心境转变 释放心灵的缚绳 跳出尘世的纷扰 去追寻属于自己的真 心境转变 寻找内心的平衡 踏着节奏 唱出自由的狂欢


Exult of Velta
Exult of Velta

orchestral music

Chandni Raatein
Chandni Raatein

bollywood romantic melodic

Besoin d'un Câlin
Besoin d'un Câlin

dark house indie pop

Tim der Pumper
Tim der Pumper

trap hardcore aggressiv

Glowing Companion
Glowing Companion

synthesizer,guitar,electronic,progressive house,electronic dance music,house,synthwave,electro house,repetitive,futuristic


bubble dark mystic dub lo-fi tabla looping complex tribal rhythms sampled pattern ambient field drone zen electronic

【Hatsune Miku】Ice cream
【Hatsune Miku】Ice cream

Vocaloid Utaite, J-Rock, math rock

I'll Remember You
I'll Remember You

an emotional synthwave dubstep song

Rushing Wind
Rushing Wind

Live Concert, Funk Gospel Choir, Smooth R&B Funk, Worship, Amazing Voices, Uplifting

Phonk It Up
Phonk It Up

hard phonk catchy

Desert Tango
Desert Tango

exotic electro-jazz flamenco

In the Blink of an Eye
In the Blink of an Eye

Liquid Drum and Bass, Female Vocals, Studio Quality, Melodic

Joa’s Indy Dream
Joa’s Indy Dream

ballad classical emotional

Shadows in the Strings
Shadows in the Strings

brooding acoustic dark country

Flügel aus Licht
Flügel aus Licht

Catchy Instrumental intro. electro swing. sweet female vocal, witch house

big banana
big banana

future bounce,模仿TAIGA