Trees take over the Earth

ethereal, atmospheric, dreamy, dark, synth, synthwave, electro, techno, power metal, dubstep, indie, house

June 28th, 2024suno


(Verse 1) Arthur, a clerk of meticulous routine, his life a symphony of order and form, One crisp morning, a disquieting scene, the cityscape choked in a silent storm. Trees, once docile and green sentinels, now loomed with an unsettling might, Their branches reaching, like grasping tendrils, obscuring the sun with an emerald blight. (Chorus 1) The concrete jungle, a concrete tomb, the asphalt arteries choked with green, Nature's rebellion, a silent coup, a world transformed in a surreal scene. Arthur, adrift in a waking nightmare, his world of paper and ink undone, The once predictable, now filled with despair, a battle for dominance just begun. (Verse 2) Thoroughfares became tangled undergrowth, buildings embraced by a verdant tide, The rhythmic hum of traffic, a forgotten oath, replaced by the wind's mournful sigh. Technology sputtered, a useless crutch, as the once-dominant race began to wane, The air itself thick with the earthy clutch, a primal power, untamed by human reign. (Chorus 2) The clock ticks slower, a metronome of dread, marking the hours of humanity's plight, Arthur, a lone witness, his spirit bled, as the trees tighten their emerald night. Are they seeking vengeance for years of abuse? A restoration of balance, long denied? The answer lost in the rustling leaves, a silent verdict, humanity dethroned inside. (Verse 3) In the library, a refuge of sorts, surrounded by stories of a bygone time, Arthur contemplates humanity's distorted ports, the arrogance of progress, a callous crime. Were they warned in the myths and fables old, of nature's wrath, a power to behold? But progress, a siren's song, so bold, blinded them to the stories yet untold. (Chorus 3) The clock ticks slow, a dirge for mankind, the hands frozen on the hour of defeat, Arthur accepts, with a weary mind, a world surrendered, a nature bittersweet. Perhaps a chance for a new start, he ponders, a world reborn from the ashes of man, A future whispered on rustling fronds, a chance for balance, a different plan. (Bridge) The trees stand silent, their purpose unclear, a monument to nature's silent might, Did they yearn for dominion, or simply hold a mirror, reflecting humanity's darkest blight? (Verse 4) Sunlight struggles to pierce the emerald veil, casting the world in an eerie green glow, The air, thick with the scent of the forest's exhale, a world Arthur barely begins to know. Creatures long unseen return from the shadows, a symphony of life, untamed and wild, A world reshaped, defying the meadows, a silent pact with nature, reconciled. (Chorus 4) The clock stands still, a monument to time, a relic of a world forever changed, Arthur steps out, into the verdant clime, his future uncertain, his spirit rearranged. The trees, silent giants, bathed in the dappled light, a world transformed, a future to embrace, A bittersweet symphony, taking flight, in the ruins of humanity's misplaced grace. (Outro) (Instrument) (Chorus 4) The clock stands still, a monument to time, a relic of a world forever changed, Arthur steps out, into the verdant clime, his future uncertain, his spirit rearranged. The trees, silent giants, bathed in the dappled light, a world transformed, a future to embrace, A bittersweet symphony, taking flight, in the ruins of humanity's misplaced grace. (Outro) (Instrument)




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