自由之聲 v3

chill pop

March 21st, 2024suno


[Intro] 喺這片土地上我們曾夢想自由 但現實殘酷 廿三條立法後 香港唔再自由 我心中嘅烈火未滅 [Verse] 昔日熱血 如今沉默 夢想破碎 自由不再 黑暗籠罩 壓抑纏繞 這個城市 已唔再一樣 [Chorus] 廿三條立法 香港玩完 自由之魂 已被剝奪 但願星火 永不熄滅 呼籲真理 擊退黑暗


Dancing Wind
Dancing Wind

upbeat playful flute-driven

Noche de Jazz
Noche de Jazz

Afro Cuban Smooth Jazz

Halifax Nights
Halifax Nights

english folk,contemporary folk,english folk music,european music,regional music,british music,folk,medieval classical music

Echoes of the Night
Echoes of the Night

classical cinematic dramatic

Pirate Heart
Pirate Heart

metal, epic, symphonic, orchestral, cinematic

Love Song: Oh, Beautiful Lady
Love Song: Oh, Beautiful Lady

1600s Medieval power metal, progressive, harpsichord, aggressive, fast tempo

Rick Bread Roll Obsession
Rick Bread Roll Obsession

deep, bass, male voice, female voice, slow, rock

(bB) Steps with the Blues v2 (4m43s) End
(bB) Steps with the Blues v2 (4m43s) End

Solo Space funk disco. Style Jazz shuffle organ. Solo 2 Light EDM, R&B. Background futuristic delta blues. Hi-Fi.

Chicker Crowin'
Chicker Crowin'

dark hip-hop phonk heavy bass

The Queen of Thorns 👑
The Queen of Thorns 👑

Grunge, Alternative rock, indie Rock

Bauner Bär
Bauner Bär

[Dark Electropop], [Power Metal], Eerie, Dark, Menacing, Female Vocals

Vou te Enterrar no Passado
Vou te Enterrar no Passado

experimental flamenco jazz and trap math rock slap guitar


breakcore, dark, tempo, minor, clear sound