
mellow dancepop;romantic synthpop;mezzo-soprano;warm female voice;soulful;emotional;hearfelt;romantic synthpop

May 1st, 2024suno


乘着夕阳北上 穿越滔滔云海 只为奔赴你的怀抱 温暖如初照 披着鹅雪落下 踏上莽莽归程 执意一睹你的芳华 岁月犹静好 廿载游子梦回 犹记幼时校园 你追我赶打着雪仗 笑语又欢声 怎奈人小胆大 舞踏池塘薄冰 湿了棉鞋冻着双脚 泪落仍带笑 闲敲檐下冰棱 叮咚滴答作响 轻快奏作童年乐章 萦绕于梦中 一声车笛惊醒 晃神望向窗外 杨树笔直松树挺拔 素裹着银装 雪花起舞纷飞 路灯摇曳退后 深夜寂静时光悠远 思绪如潮涌 高架风驰电掣 楼宇鳞次栉比 不见门院不见屋檐 不见了从前 归乡不见故乡 归人难觅故人 时光匆匆人形陌陌 心绪意难平 你无言我不语 回忆收藏于心 乡情不愁相见怀念 归途在梦中 于心 乡情不愁相见怀念 归途在梦中



MIku Voice,Future bass,Vocaloid,Chord:B,E,D#,C#

Sunshine Serenade
Sunshine Serenade

lo-fi energetic acoustic

Depravity - 堕落
Depravity - 堕落

cute female, Egypt Style, dark, spooky, evil, cruel, sinister, rock,

Ghostwritten Futures
Ghostwritten Futures

Acoustic Folk; minimalist setup; live guitar, soft strings; gentle percussion; warm female vocals; emotional depth.

Give Us A Tank (!) - Small
Give Us A Tank (!) - Small

shy punk, acoustic, indie, piano, drums, guitar, slow, male voice, emotional, F# Minor, 95 BPM

Одинокий мир
Одинокий мир

aggressive reggae punk rock psychedelic trance

Lakefront Days
Lakefront Days

country melodic acoustic

"Joy and Life"
"Joy and Life"

atmospheric, heartfelt, acoustic, acoustic guitar, uplifting, emotional, piano, intense, edm

Sunrise Dream
Sunrise Dream

drum, beat, hard rock

Ah! Sun-flower
Ah! Sun-flower

lo-fi bossa nova, cozy bedroom, innocent lonely, kawaii catchy

Journey to the Sky
Journey to the Sky

lofi ambient atmospheric

Galactic Dreams
Galactic Dreams

Mid 2000's R&B/Soul, Pop, summer, love, romantic, male vocalist, sensual, rhythmic

Loossemble - Sensitive (YG Ver.)
Loossemble - Sensitive (YG Ver.)

Bold and edgy, hip hop, thumping bass, electronic synths, rap, energetic, noise, powerful, punchy drums, edm

Mind Like the Sky
Mind Like the Sky

Shuffle, EDM, Vocal House, Sub Bass, polyphony

Madness Incarnate
Madness Incarnate

progressive psytrance, psychedelic trance, psytrance, progressive trance, goa trance, trance

FUT90 6
FUT90 6

Indie Rock. industrial, Post-Punk. Electronic Rock. powerful, beat, guitar, intense

Despertando a la vida 2000
Despertando a la vida 2000

Rap 2000, hip hop 2000, male voice