The Noise I Cannot Escape

A minor, acoustic and piano ballad, really emotional and beautiful

May 17th, 2024suno


I hear their voices rise and fall Angry words against the wall Why can't they get along? All I want is my family's song I love them both, I don't want to choose But their fighting only brings me blues Oh Mama, Daddy, can't you see? How much you're hurting me I see your faces red with rage This fight, it won't change Please stop yelling, it scares me so Can't we just go back to the way it was before? I hide away, tears in my eyes Wishing it all away, wanting the pain to subside Why can't they make amends? I just want my parents back, my best friends Now silence fills the room instead I'm scared of what's been said Please don't leave me all alone I love you both, you're all I've known Oh Mama, Daddy, can't you see? How much you're hurting me All I want is our family's song Please don't fight, just get along I curl up small and hold my knees Try to block out the fight I hear But the yelling, it comes through loud and clear I feel so scared, I start to shake Wishing it was just a mistake ohhhh oh oh whyyyy.. why cant they just get along? [beautiful ending] [beautiful ending] oh why... why. [fading outro] [end]


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