With their attendant Moons thou wilt descry
Communicating Male and Female Light,
Which two great Sexes animate the World,
Stor'd in each Orb, perhaps with some that live:
For such vast Room in Nature, unpossest
By living Soul, desert and desolate,
Only to shine, yet scarce to contribute
Each Orb a Glimpse of Light, convey'd so far
Down to this habitable, which returns
Light back to them, is obvious to Dispute.
Who turns his Eye, on Nature's Midnight Face,
But must enquire —— what Hand behind the Scene,
What Arm Almighty, put these wheeling Globes
In Motion, and wound up the vast Machine?
O for a Telescope his Throne to reach!
Tell me ye Learn'd on Earth! or Blest above!
Ye searching, ye Newtonian Angels! tell,
Where your great Masters Orb? His Planets where?
Those conscious Satellites, those Morning Stars,
First-born of Deity from central Love.
Who turns his Eye, on Nature's Midnight Face,
But must enquire —— what Hand behind the Scene,
What Arm Almighty, put these wheeling Globes
In Motion, and wound up the vast Machine?
With their attendant Moons thou wilt descry
Communicating Male and Female Light,
Which two great Sexes animate the World,
Stor'd in each Orb, perhaps with some that live:
For such vast Room in Nature, unpossest
By living Soul, desert and desolate,
Only to shine, yet scarce to contribute
Each Orb a Glimpse of Light, convey'd so far
Down to this habitable, which returns
Light back to them, is obvious to Dispute.
Who turns his Eye, on Nature's Midnight Face,
But must enquire —— what Hand behind the Scene,
What Arm Almighty, put these wheeling Globes
In Motion, and wound up the vast Machine?
O for a Telescope his Throne to reach!
Tell me ye Learn'd on Earth! or Blest above!
Ye searching, ye Newtonian Angels! tell,
Where your great Masters Orb? His Planets where?
Those conscious Satellites, those Morning Stars,
First-born of Deity from central Love.
Who turns his Eye, on Nature's Midnight Face,
But must enquire —— what Hand behind the Scene,
What Arm Almighty, put these wheeling Globes
In Motion, and wound up the vast Machine?
With their attendant Moons thou wilt descry
Communicating Male and Female Light,
Which two great Sexes animate the World,
Stor'd in each Orb, perhaps with some that live:
For such vast Room in Nature, unpossest
By living Soul, desert and desolate,
Only to shine, yet scarce to contribute
Each Orb a Glimpse of Light, convey'd so far
Down to this habitable, which returns
Light back to them, is obvious to Dispute.
Who turns his Eye, on Nature's Midnight Face,
But must enquire —— what Hand behind the Scene,
What Arm Almighty, put these wheeling Globes
In Motion, and wound up the vast Machine?
O for a Telescope his Throne to reach!
Tell me ye Learn'd on Earth! or Blest above!
Ye searching, ye Newtonian Angels! tell,
Where your great Masters Orb? His Planets where?
Those conscious Satellites, those Morning Stars,
First-born of Deity from central Love.
Who turns his Eye, on Nature's Midnight Face,
But must enquire —— what Hand behind the Scene,
What Arm Almighty, put these wheeling Globes
In Motion, and wound up the vast Machine?
With their attendant Moons thou wilt descry
Communicating Male and Female Light,
Which two great Sexes animate the World,
Stor'd in each Orb, perhaps with some that live:
For such vast Room in Nature, unpossest
By living Soul, desert and desolate,
Only to shine, yet scarce to contribute
Each Orb a Glimpse of Light, convey'd so far
Down to this habitable, which returns
Light back to them, is obvious to Dispute.
Who turns his Eye, on Nature's Midnight Face,
But must enquire —— what Hand behind the Scene,
What Arm Almighty, put these wheeling Globes
In Motion, and wound up the vast Machine?
O for a Telescope his Throne to reach!
Tell me ye Learn'd on Earth! or Blest above!
Ye searching, ye Newtonian Angels! tell,
Where your great Masters Orb? His Planets where?
Those conscious Satellites, those Morning Stars,
First-born of Deity from central Love.
Who turns his Eye, on Nature's Midnight Face,
But must enquire —— what Hand behind the Scene,
What Arm Almighty, put these wheeling Globes
In Motion, and wound up the vast Machine?