2404 中国古代文学史(二)备考

Baroque, Orchestral, Emotive, Strings, Chinese Literature History, Powerful Female Vocals

April 13th, 2024suno


Instrumental Intro] [Verse 1] 明清小说话奇事,儒林聊斋鬼狐语 红楼一梦大观园,世情百态皆入目 官场现形二十年,老残游记民生苦 孽海花开风尘里,品花宝鉴谁人读 [Chorus] 悠悠历史长河,文学瑰宝闪烁 唐宋八家文风盛,韩柳欧苏领潮流 明清小品意趣浓,公安竟陵各争鸣 桐城派起文章工,义理考据细琢磨 [Verse 2] 宋词婉约与豪放,晏柳秦观领风骚 易安才情留千古,苏辛豪放世称道 周邦彦姜夔格律美,常州词派寄托高 纳兰容若情意真,婉约词风韵味绕 [Chorus] 悠悠历史长河,文学瑰宝闪烁 唐宋八家文风盛,韩柳欧苏领潮流 明清小品意趣浓,公安竟陵各争鸣 桐城派起文章工,义理考据细琢磨 [Bridge] 元曲四大家争艳,关汉卿白朴领衔 马致远郑光祖,南戏高明琵琶响 明传奇汤显祖,临川四梦世人赏 牡丹亭里梦魂绕,长生殿里情意长 [Chorus] 悠悠历史长河,文学瑰宝闪烁 唐宋八家文风盛,韩柳欧苏领潮流 明清小品意趣浓,公安竟陵各争鸣 桐城派起文章工,义理考据细琢磨 [Outro] [End] 明清小品意趣浓,公安竟陵各争鸣 桐城派起文章工,义理考据细琢磨 [Outro] [End]


Whispers on wings
Whispers on wings

An Angelic Bass boosted Lofi EDM with pianno in style with fade out smooth at the end of the song

Why Are Cats So Small?
Why Are Cats So Small?

bollywood musical, drum and bass, hardstyle


Pop Rock, alternative, male voice, heavy, melanchonic, emotional,

Dear Friend
Dear Friend

Alternative rock,post-grunge,indie

Rise with the Dawn
Rise with the Dawn

Energetic Anthemic r&b-rock anthem with infectious Interactive pop-rock anthem with catchy hooks,

Impian Digital
Impian Digital

electronic pop

Catching The Sun
Catching The Sun

pop-rock calypso vibrant tropical

Broken Shadows
Broken Shadows

electronic dark synthwave melancholic

The Battle
The Battle

J-rock epic battle style, dominant power percussion and bass

Wanderlust Dreams
Wanderlust Dreams

drum and bass, energetic, male vocals, beat

oud cry
oud cry

only oud

Walking in Shadows
Walking in Shadows

dubstep melancholy

Lords of the Tide
Lords of the Tide

rock,alternative rock,post-grunge,hard rock,grunge

Lágrimas de Procesión
Lágrimas de Procesión

Saeta,Suspiros de España,pasodoble,marching band,funeral march,military,sad,religious procession

Broken Smiles
Broken Smiles

ballad pop melancholic

Fade Away
Fade Away

melodic hip-hop

I'm Cautious
I'm Cautious

slow spacey classic rock guitar