O Lord my God, in You Do I my Confidence Repose

Upbeat fast-paced industrial metal male and female duet

August 14th, 2024suno


The heavens God's glory declare, the skies his handiworks preach: Day utters speech to day, and night to night does knowledge teach. There is no speech nor tongue to which their voice does not extend: Their line is gone through all the earth, their words to the world's end. In them he set the sun a tent; Who, like a bridegroom, forth goes From his chamber, as a strong man does to run his race rejoice. From heaven's end is his going forth, circling to the end again; And there is nothing from his heat that hidden does remain. God's law is perfect, and converts the soul in sin that lies: God's testimony is most sure, and makes the simple wise. The statutes of the Lord are right, and do rejoice the heart: The Lord's command is pure, and does light to the eyes impart. Unspotted is the fear of God, and does endure for ever: The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. They more than gold, yes, much fine gold, to be desired are: Than honey, honey from the comb that drips, sweeter far. Moreover, they your servant warn how he his life should frame: A great reward provided is for them that keep the same. Who can his errors understand? O cleanse me from within From secret faults. Your servant keep from all presumptuous sin: And do not suffer them to have dominion over me: Then, righteous and innocent, I from much sin shall be. The words which from my mouth proceed, the thoughts sent from my heart, Accept, O Lord, for you my strength and my Redeemer are. O Lord my God, in You do I my confidence repose: Save and deliver me from all my persecuting foes; Lest that the enemy my soul should, like a lion, tear, In pieces rending it, while there is no deliverer. O Lord my God, if it be so that I committed this; If it be so that in my hands iniquity there is: If I rewarded ill to him that was at peace with me; (Yes, even the man that without cause my foe was I did free;) Then let the foe pursue and take my soul, and my life thrust Down to the earth, and let him lay my honour in the dust. Rise in your wrath, Lord, raise yourself, for my foes raging are; And, to the judgment which you have commanded, wake for me. So shall the assembly of your people about encompass you: You, therefore, for their sakes, return unto your place on high. The Lord he shall the people judge: my judge, Yahweh, is, After my righteousness, and my integrity in me. O let the wicked's malice end; but establish steadfastly The righteous: for the righteous God the hearts and reins does try. In God, who saves the upright in heart, is my defence and stay. God just men judges, God is wroth with ill men every day. If he does not return again, then he his sword will whet; His bow he has already bent, and has it ready set: He also has for him prepared the instruments of death; Against the persecutors he his shafts ordained has. Behold, he with iniquity does travail, as in birth; A mischief he conceived has, and falsehood shall bring forth. He made a pit and dug it deep, another there to take; But he is fallen into the ditch which he himself did make. Upon his own head his mischief shall be returned home; His violent dealing also down on his own skull shall come. According to his righteousness the Lord I'll magnify; And will sing praise unto the name of God that is most high. O Lord my God, in You do I my confidence repose: Save and deliver me from all my persecuting foes; Lest that the enemy my soul should, like a lion, tear, In pieces rending it, while there is no deliverer. O Lord my God, if it be so that I committed this; If it be so that in my hands iniquity there is: If I rewarded ill to him that was at peace with me; (Yes, even the man that without cause my foe was I did free;) Then let the foe pursue and take my soul, and my life thrust Down to the earth, and let him lay my honour in the dust. Rise in your wrath, Lord, raise yourself, for my foes raging are; And, to the judgment which you have commanded, wake for me. So shall the assembly of your people about encompass you: You, therefore, for their sakes, return unto your place on high. The Lord he shall the people judge: my judge, Yahweh, is, After my righteousness, and my integrity in me. O let the wicked's malice end; but establish steadfastly The righteous: for the righteous God the hearts and reins does try. In God, who saves the upright in heart, is my defence and stay. God just men judges, God is wroth with ill men every day. If he does not return again, then he his sword will whet; His bow he has already bent, and has it ready set: He also has for him prepared the instruments of death; Against the persecutors he his shafts ordained has. Behold, he with iniquity does travail, as in birth; A mischief he conceived has, and falsehood shall bring forth. He made a pit and dug it deep, another there to take; But he is fallen into the ditch which he himself did make. Upon his own head his mischief shall be returned home; His violent dealing also down on his own skull shall come. According to his righteousness the Lord I'll magnify; And will sing praise unto the name of God that is most high. The instruments of death; Against the persecutors he his shafts ordained has. Behold, he with iniquity does travail, as in birth; A mischief he conceived has, and falsehood shall bring forth. He made a pit and dug it deep, another there to take; But he is fallen into the ditch which he himself did make. Upon his own head his mischief shall be returned home; His violent dealing also down on his own skull shall come. According to his righteousness the Lord I'll magnify; And will sing praise unto the name of God that is most high. I in the Lord do put my trust: how is it then that you Say to my soul, Flee, as a bird, unto your mountain high? For, behold, the wicked bend their bow, their shafts on string they fit, That those who upright are in heart they privily may hit. If the foundations be destroyed, what has the righteous done? God in his holy temple is, in heaven is his throne: His eyes do see, his eye-lids try men's sons. The just he proves: But his soul hates the wicked man, and him that violence loves. Snares, fire and brimstone, furious storms, on sinners he shall rain: This, as the portion of their cup, does unto them pertain. Because the Lord most righteous does in righteousness delight; And with a pleasant countenance beholds the upright. O let the wicked's malice end; but establish steadfastly The righteous: for the righteous God the hearts and reins does try. In God, who saves the upright in heart, is my defence and stay. God just men judges, God is wroth with ill men every day. If he does not return again, then he his sword will whet; His bow he has already bent, and has it ready set: He also has for him prepared the instruments of death; Against the persecutors he his shafts ordained has. Behold, he with iniquity does travail, as in birth; A mischief he conceived has, and falsehood shall bring forth. He made a pit and dug it deep, another there to take; But he is fallen into the ditch which he himself did make. Upon his own head his mischief shall be returned home; His violent dealing also down on his own skull shall come. According to his righteousness the Lord I'll magnify; And will sing praise unto the name of God that is most high. If the foundations be destroyed, what has the righteous done? God in his holy temple is, in heaven is his throne: His eyes do see, his eye-lids try men's sons. The just he proves: But his soul hates the wicked man, and him that violence loves. Snares, fire and brimstone, furious storms, on sinners he shall rain: This, as the portion of their cup, does unto them pertain. Because the Lord most righteous does in righteousness delight; And with a pleasant countenance beholds the upright. O let the wicked's malice end; but establish steadfastly The righteous: for the righteous God the hearts and reins does try. In God, who saves the upright in heart, is my defence and stay. God just men judges, God is wroth with ill men every day. If he does not return again, then he his sword will whet; His bow he has already bent, and has it ready set: He also has for him prepared the instruments of death; Against the persecutors he his shafts ordained has. Behold, he with iniquity does travail, as in birth; A mischief he conceived has, and falsehood shall bring forth. He made a pit and dug it deep, another there to take; But he is fallen into the ditch which he himself did make. Upon his own head his mischief shall be returned home; His violent dealing also down on his own skull shall come. According to his righteousness the Lord I'll magnify; And will sing praise unto the name of God that is most high. And will sing praise unto the name of God that is most high. If the foundations be destroyed, what has the righteous done? God in his holy temple is, in heaven is his throne: His eyes do see, his eye-lids try men's sons. The just he proves: But his soul hates the wicked man, and him that violence loves. Snares, fire and brimstone, furious storms, on sinners he shall rain: This, as the portion of their cup, does unto them pertain. Because the Lord most righteous does in righteousness delight; And with a pleasant countenance beholds the upright. O let the wicked's malice end; but establish steadfastly The righteous: for the righteous God the hearts and reins does try. In God, who saves the upright in heart, is my defence and stay. God just men judges, God is wroth with ill men every day. If he does not return again, then he his sword will whet; His bow he has already bent, and has it ready set: He also has for him prepared the instruments of death; Against the persecutors he his shafts ordained has. Behold, he with iniquity does travail, as in birth; A mischief he conceived has, and falsehood shall bring forth. He made a pit and dug it deep, another there to take; But he is fallen into the ditch which he himself did make. Upon his own head his mischief shall be returned home; His violent dealing also down on his own skull shall come. According to his righteousness the Lord I'll magnify; And will sing praise unto the name of God that is most high. another there to take; But he is fallen into the ditch which he himself did make. Upon his own head his mischief shall be returned home; His violent dealing also down on his own skull shall come. According to his righteousness the Lord I'll magnify; And will sing praise unto the name of God that is most high. Upon his own head his mischief shall be returned home; His violent dealing also down on his own skull shall come. According to his righteousness the Lord I'll magnify; And will sing praise unto the name of God that is most high. of God that is most high.


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