I thank you God for your divine protection
All the dangers skirted by your deflection
Every time you show your love
We praise your safety from above
[Verse 1]
In a film, a toddler saved in a superhero's hold
Safe now, God whispered as I saw the scene unfold
“That's me saving you, my little pearl
Though grown you will always be my little girl”
We lift our fears with every prayer,
Shedding burdens in your care.
Remembering your hand so near,
Your constant safety quells our fear.
On a southbound trip, helping family along,
We prayed each day, our faith was strong.
At journey's end, a mechanic's surprise,
Brake pads gone, yet safely we had arrived.
Supernatural breaks, He placed for our sakes
We recall Your deeds, great and bold
How you came through in times new and old
Notes in my journal, your deeds I'll pen,
So I remember, time and time again.
[Build up]
We lift our fears with every prayer,
Shedding burdens in your care.
Remembering your works written there
Your constant safety quells our fear.
On a southbound trip, helping family along,
We prayed each day, our faith was strong.
At journey's end, a mechanic's surprise,
Brake pads gone, yet safely we had arrived.
Supernatural breaks, He placed for our sakes
We recall Your deeds, great and bold
How you came through in times new and old
Notes in my journal, your deeds I'll pen,
So I remember, time and time again.
[Build up]
We lift our fears with every prayer,
Shedding burdens in your care.
Remembering your works written there
Your constant safety quells our fear.
Supernatural breaks, He placed for our sakes
[Verse 2]
We recall Your deeds, great and bold
How you came through in times new and old
Notes in my journal, your deeds I'll pen,
So I remember, time and time again.
[Ambient interlude]
[Bass drop]
[Rap 2]
In the park on my walk, an image flashed in my mind,
A bike looming close, sneaking up from behind.
I turned real quick as the feeling grew strong,
There's a cyclist right there, coming along.
This nudge from above, so clear and profound,
Even on peaceful paths, His protection is found.
Notes in my journal, your deeds I'll pen,
So I remember, time and time again.
Notes in my journal, your deeds I'll pen,
So I remember, time and time again.
We lift our fears with every prayer,
Shedding burdens in your care.
Remembering your works written there
Your constant safety quells our fear.
[Verse 2]
He wove your DNA, intricately complete,
Why create, then retreat?
Zion felt lost, unseen,
"Has the Lord forgotten me?"
A mother may forget,
Her baby's memory erased
But His promise, firmly set:
You're in his memory, never displaced
[Marimba interlude]
[Quick drop]
We lift our fears with every prayer,
Shedding burdens in your care.
Remembering your works written there
Your constant safety quells our fear.
[Marimba Drop]
[Verse 2]
Do as He commands, be strong and bold,
In the face of fear, let your heart take hold.
The task He gives, don’t shy away,
For the Lord’s with you, come what may.
He wove your DNA, intricately complete,
Why create, then retreat?
It’s the Lord who walks beside you,
He will never leave nor forsake you.
[Marimba interlude]
[Rap 3]
One day when my siblings and I were young
And our playtime with fireworks had just begun
One spark shot up, curved 'round with no harm,
Wrapped 'round my brother like a lucky charm.
Thought my eyes tricked me, so I asked my sister if she saw,
She nodded, "Yeah," we stood there in awe. [Break]
Each close call, a reminder of God's guarding care,
In every danger, Mom’s ceaseless prayers were there.
We lift our fears with every prayer,
Shedding burdens in your care.
Remembering your works written there
Your constant safety quells our fear.
[New wave drop]
Notes in my journal, your deeds I'll pen,
So I remember, time and time again.