micellum anori

mix of psychodelic-trance in Infected mushrums style, with very melodic guitar hard rock solo inserts

July 30th, 2024suno


[speech]: Passagiere zum Terminal B, während unser Kreuzfahrtschiff auftankt und Sie einlädt, Ihre Plätze an Bord einzunehmen. [solo on flute and guitar] [text] Da bin ich überfragt! Mechaniker Eins, hören Sie mich? Berühren Sie nicht das Hyperantriebs-Panel Nimm deine Hände weg Beeilung! Vorsichtig, gefährlicher Druck.


Está No Ar
Está No Ar

Estilo, em português brasileiro, acoustic, metal, rock, hard rock, guitar, drum, heavy me

Midnight Drive
Midnight Drive

synth-driven pop



Ngày Tựu Trường
Ngày Tựu Trường

vui tươi sôi động pop

Final Circle - Until the sky
Final Circle - Until the sky

Ballad (90), Alternative (80), Acoustic (70), Dance-pop (60), Power pop (50)


Soulful gospel choir, powerful lead vocals, uplifting messages, organ accompaniment, and handclaps

et mortua est domina.
et mortua est domina.

reggaeton progresivo

Love Story
Love Story

French pop music, pop, ballad, orchestra

Beautiful Place
Beautiful Place

Hollywood Sadcore, Calm Female Voice

Sacolão da Alegria
Sacolão da Alegria

sertaneja, happy, batida, alegre

Elisha Pas
Elisha Pas

greek disco

BB-CM-F Radio track 1
BB-CM-F Radio track 1

Radio-drama Classical-radio 1920s-radio old-radio classical-tv-announcer, Big-Band Chamber-Music fusion

Thunderclash of the Immortals
Thunderclash of the Immortals

haunting melody, flute, violins and cellos, French horns and trumpets, brass, timpani and bass drums, solo horn

Ancient Echoes
Ancient Echoes

instrumental,instrumental,instrumental,instrumental,instrumental,instrumental,instrumental,melodic dubstep,future bass,dubstep,electronic dance music,electronic


emotional hard rock


Dungeons and Dragons

Long Lost Friend
Long Lost Friend

powerful alternative rock, grunge, violin