
Pop, Electronic, Funk, Fusion, Experimental, Funky, Energetic, Upbeat, saxophone

April 9th, 2024suno


[Verse] 看我的閃電五連鞭 不管是什麼對手 我聽不到你的喊叫 像風暴狂瀉一樣 我的力量無人可敵 你永遠無法擊敗我 無窮的勇氣流遍全身 共同奮戰到永遠 [Verse 2] 有種挑戰我 我的力量蓄勢待發 放開你的魂魄 準備在我面前崩潰 我不畏懼任何的困境 永遠堅定走到底 我的閃電五連鞭 讓你無法逃離結局 [Chorus] 我的閃電五連鞭 (my thunderous strikes) 無所不能的力量 (unstoppable power) 看著世界在我腳下 征服所有對手 無窮的勇氣流遍全身 共同奮戰到永遠 [End]


abrazo de invierno
abrazo de invierno

trance, 90s, techno, ambient, DARK, NEW WAVE

Too Tight
Too Tight

funk groovy

Snowflakes in the Starlight
Snowflakes in the Starlight

1960s Christmas, Christmas, Festive

Creature of the night
Creature of the night

Guitar intro, metal, dark metal,

จะพูดเพื่อ !?
จะพูดเพื่อ !?

futuristic, dark, indie pop, style, groovy, jazz, female vocals

I'll Be Gone Soon
I'll Be Gone Soon

Emo punkpop 2000s

Mūsų prezidentas
Mūsų prezidentas

Country grass, rhytmic, alternative

Your Deep Eyes
Your Deep Eyes

melodic acoustic pop

Milujem Ťa Vanesa
Milujem Ťa Vanesa

romantic pop acoustic

Future Smiles
Future Smiles

k-pop happy rock-pop-classical dynamic

Eterno infinito
Eterno infinito

solos y orquesta heavy metal música clásica sinfonía de guitarras distorsionadas

91 AV HN ELS Scarred Heart 29 May 2024
91 AV HN ELS Scarred Heart 29 May 2024

Indie Folk with Celtic Fusion, Female Solo Vocals

Peace and Joy
Peace and Joy

early 80's boogie funk dancin modern

Chasing Dreams
Chasing Dreams

groovy, psychedelic, male voice

Dreamscape Reverie
Dreamscape Reverie

dream pop ethereal soothing

Dinosaur in the City
Dinosaur in the City

synth-infused catchy rock hard-hitting