[Spoken Word Introduction] "Let us begin with the understanding that we are, at our very essence, the universe experiencing itself. You are not a mere spectator in this vast cosmos; you are a vivid expression of its endless wonder. Now, imagine we embark on a meditation, a journey not outward into the expanse of space, but inward, to the very core of what it means to exist."[Verse 1 - Spoken by Alan Watts] "In the dance of the cosmos, where stars swirl in the embrace of galaxies, there lies a profound stillness. This meditation, it's not an escape, but a return to the real. As you sit quietly, notice how the mind, like the universe, is ever expanding, ever exploring the boundaries of thought and existence."[Pre-Chorus - Spoken by Alan Watts] "Consider, for a moment, that each of us is a galaxy, teeming with potential, with life, with the spectacular awe of being. The real journey of meditation is discovering that the universe is not something separate from you. You are the universe, experiencing itself, marveling at its own majesty."
[Chorus - Spoken by Alan Watts] "So, meditate, let yourself merge with the cosmos. Feel your consciousness expand across the infinite sky. With each breath, you are breathing in the stars, exhaling the mysteries of the night. This silence, this stillness, it's the universe speaking, through you."[Verse 2 - Spoken by Alan Watts] "Now, as you delve deeper into this state of being, realize that every thought, every emotion, is but a star in the vastness of your inner sky. Some shine brightly for a moment, then fade. Others, constants, guiding you through the night. This inner cosmos is as boundless as the one above, a mirror reflecting the light of existence."[Pre-Chorus - Spoken by Alan Watts] "And in this meditation, what are we really doing? We're peeling away the layers of self, not to find isolation, but connection. The deeper you go, the more you realize that you, and I, and everything else, are intimately intertwined. 'You are the universe experiencing itself,'
[Instrumental Fade Out]
[Instrumental fade down]