
抒情 民谣 原声

July 1st, 2024suno


[Verse] 在越南北方 山嶺綿延 綠色梯田 隨風搖曳 雲霧繚繞 像夢一般 那是沙壩 我心中的家園 [Chorus] 哦 沙壩 沙壩 那青山碧水 讓我流連 哦 沙壩 沙壩 你是我心中的詩篇 [Verse 2] 哈尼族姑娘 穿著花衣 黑苗族小伙 唱著山歌 市場熱鬧 人聲鼎沸 在這片土地上 愛與夢想共舞 [Chorus] 哦 沙壩 沙壩 那青山碧水 讓我流連 哦 沙壩 沙壩 你是我心中的詩篇 [Bridge] 竹林深處 少女跌瀑 田野花香 恍若仙境 風中稻穗 搖曳生姿 在這片美麗 拾遺詩意 [Chorus] 哦 沙壩 沙壩 那青山碧水 讓我流連 哦 沙壩 沙壩 你是我心中的詩篇


In the name of
In the name of

Progressive house

Elven Kingdom Anthem
Elven Kingdom Anthem

acoustic folk ethereal

The house of my heart Is empty
The house of my heart Is empty

melancholic, arabic, vocalization

Missing You
Missing You

pop sentimental piano-driven



Legends and Lore
Legends and Lore

instrumental,instrumental,instrumental,instrumental,instrumental,orchestral,epic,film score,atmospheric,instrumental

Count to Ten
Count to Ten

Children's educational Rock, upbeat


cello violin viola double bass 室内 ラブソング


contemporary piano, piano and violin

One World, One Song
One World, One Song

universal pop

Letting Go
Letting Go

anthemic pop uplifting

love boopboppy
love boopboppy

somber electronic love

Interstellar Journey
Interstellar Journey

Ambient, electronic style, emotional chords, space music, melodic, tangerine dream style

Not working at work
Not working at work

lo-fi house, synth-wave elements

Jour après Jour
Jour après Jour

sad, failed life, hope, female vocals

Northern Lights
Northern Lights

Pop male vocals

The Orphan and Dragon
The Orphan and Dragon

Epic Fantasy Adventure, Orchestral