Verses of love, searing through hearts, teaching lovers the laws of affections,
In times of companionship, joy thrives, but in the heart, are the envy time's madness.
Watch them slip away to the time, before the seafarer traces paths in the sea,
And the sea shall murmur a sob 'fore the friends, desire flames in the depths crying mercy.
One storms, one burns warm, and scorch the tears borne of their verses.
For you, the prince, who gathered his wits, and his wisdom like eggs lying there worthless,
For you, the hearts shake, in pieces they break, their groans cast down deep deep down under,
And if away they drift now, are their thoughts not somehow, together, one, forever
And how shall they live further after this, bodies in heartless existence?
And how was yesterday's hatred of time, so fast spun from love to resistance?
O! And added restlessness onto their woes; where love once resided, it is dying.
But truly, all the days of lovers are toils, Man of Love, Man of Sighing.
Days of companionship, lights the flame of love, wandering bitter nights, heavy
Therefore, I shall darken all my days, in the hands of companionship, for better or worse,
And if the restless fury I raise, I shall hope for the return of days from nights from their
Verses of love, searing through hearts, teaching lovers the laws of affections,
In times of companionship, joy thrives, but in the heart, are the envy time's madness.
Watch them slip away to the time, before the seafarer traces paths in the sea,
And the sea shall murmur a sob 'fore the friends, desire flames in the depths crying mercy.
One storms, one burns warm, and scorch the tears borne of their verses.
For you, the prince, who gathered his wits, and his wisdom like eggs lying worthless,
For you, the hearts shake, in pieces they break, their groans cast down deep deep down under,
And if away they drift now, are their thoughts not somehow, together, one, forever
And how shall they live further after this, bodies in heartless existence?
And how was yesterday's hatred of time, so fast spun from love to resistance?
O! And added restlessness onto their woes; where love once resided, it is dying.
But truly, all the days of lovers are toils, Man of Love, Man of Sighing.
Days of companionship, lights the flame of love, wandering bitter nights, heavy
Therefore, I shall darken all my days, in the hands of companionship, for better or worse
And if the restless fury I raise, I shall hope for the return of days from nights from their course
Days of companionship, lights the flame of love, wandering bitter nights, heavy
Therefore, I shall darken all my days, in the hands of companionship, for better or worse,
And if the restless fury I raise, I shall hope for the return of days from nights from their course.
And from the skies of companionship of friends, may there descend, the rain of the generous.