[Gregorian Chanting intro]
[Intro: Uptempo, Fast Beat]
[Gregorian Chanting]
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal): Benedicamus Domino, Gratias Agamus
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal): Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison
[Verse 1: Uptempo, Fast Beat]
[Gregorian Chanting]
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal):
Benedicamus Domino (Beh-neh-dee-KAH-DOOO-MIII-NEEE)
Kyrie Eleison (DOOO-MIII-NEEE)
Christe Eleison (KREES-teh eh-LAY-ee-son)
[Gregorian Chant Part: Uptempo, Fast Beat]
[Gregorian Chant Voices and the Sound of a Soft Breeze, Fading into the Calm of Nature]
[Gregorian Chanting]
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal): Benedicamus Domino, Gratias Agamus
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal): Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal): Gloria in Excelsis Deo
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal): Et in Terra Pax Hominibus
[Verse 2:]
[Gregorian Chanting]
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal):
Gloria in Excelsis Deo (GLAW-ree-ah een eks-CHEL-sees DEH-oh)
Et in Terra Pax Hominibus (eht een TEH-rah pahks hoh-MEE-nee-boos)
Benedictus Qui Venit in Nomine Domini (beh-neh-DEEK-toos kwee VEH-neet een NOH-mee-neh DOH-mee-nee)
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus (SAHNK-toos, SAHNK-toos, SAHNK-toos)
[Gregorian Chanting]
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal):
Pleni Sunt Caeli et Terra Gloria Tua (PLEH-nee soont CHAY-lee eht TEH-rah GLAW-ree-ah TOO-ah)
Hosanna in Excelsis (hoh-SAHN-nah een eks-CHEL-sees)
[Gregorian Chant Voices and the Sound of a Soft Breeze, Fading into the Calm of Nature]
[Instrumental Interlude with Soft Ambient Sounds, Inviting Deep Relaxation and Introspection]
[Verse 3:]
[Gregorian Chanting]
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal):
Dominus Deus Sabaoth (DOH-mee-noos DEH-oos SAH-bah-oht)
Pleni Sunt Caeli et Terra Gloria Tua (PLEH-nee soont CHAY-lee eht TEH-rah GLAW-ree-ah TOO-ah)
[Gregorian Chant Part:]
[Gregorian Chant Voices and the Sound of a Soft Breeze, Fading into the Calm of Nature]
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal): Gloria in Excelsis Deo
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal): Et in Terra Pax Hominibus
[Gregorian Chanting]
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal):
Pleni Sunt Caeli et Terra Gloria Tua (PLEH-nee soont CHAY-lee eht TEH-rah GLAW-ree-ah TOO-ah)
Hosanna in Excelsis (hoh-SAHN-nah een eks-CHEL-sees)
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal):
[Gregorian Chant Voices]
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal): Benedicamus Domino, Gratias Agamus
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal): Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal): Gloria in Excelsis Deo
[Gregorian Chant] (Melodic, Ethereal): Et in Terra Pax Hominibus
[Big Finish]